2023 AGM and October Field Day

On Saturday 14 October we will hold our AGM and October Field Day at Lake Macquarie Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre Booragul.
Hunter Organic Growers Society has been celebrating and supporting growers in the Hunter for over 40 years! And we would love for you to support the continuation of this amazing group.
The AGM does not take long. However we need to fill the positions to continue the effective running of our organisation and continue to enjoy field day activities and hold more workshops. If a formal role may not be your thing, then consider joining the committee as a general committee member.
More information about the Field Day will come soon.
The positions available are:
Vice President
Events Coordinator
Social Media and Publicity Coordinator
Website Manager
Newsletter Editor
Memberships Officer
General Committee Member
The role descriptions can be downloaded below. Please email us if you would like more information or if you would like to nominate for a position. All positions will be declared vacant at the AGM.