Seed Saving & Propagation

Another great information session was enjoyed by all who attended. There was a good turn out with people bringing seeding plants to sort through and identify. My contribution was to talk about how to germinate native seeds such as wattles. My method is to soak the seeds in just boiled water. Take note of the size of the seed and check the next day to see if it has expanded in size. The expanded seeds can be taken out and planted in small pots with seed raising mix. It takes a while before green growth appears, so be patient and keep them moist. Grow seedlings until you see roots at the bottom of the pot then plant into the ground. Acacias are nitrogen fixers, fast growing and screening so are useful in the right position of your garden. Some acacia seeds are edible.

Michelle showed us how to winnow seed once it has been separated from husks. Anita had brought vast amounts of dried broccoli seed heads and we crushed and emptied the seed from the husk before trying out the large fan that Michelle was using. There was lots of fun and laughter from this activity as it didn’t quite go to plan but in the end we had plenty of varieties of seeds to put into recycled envelopes and more to take home with us. I have already planted heritage peas and beans that Anita brought and the broccoli seeds with shoots showing already. Barbara brought broccoli and daikon radish seed pods that we processed as well.
My young plants have to be protected from my chickens during the day and hungry possums and rats at night so I have them in cages! Hunter Organic Growers Society will keep you updated with progress and hints for increasing your garden produce in these stay at home times.
(Report by Meg Butler)